Tuesday, January 11, 2005

God's Wrath or God's Will?

It seems that the world is coming to an end. Think about it. The earthquake, the Tsunami, fires in Australia, mudslides in California, what next? Some people say all of this is a result of the bombings in Iraq. I say that's bunk! Would God waste time with little details? If the end of the world were here, wouldn't he just wield his power and make it explode all at once?

Perhaps all of these recent catastrophes are just a result of God's plan. Perhaps he knew people all over the world would come together to donate funds, time, and sweat equity to help those in need. Perhaps he wants to show the Muslims who so badly hate America that we actually have a heart.

A while back after 9-11, I remember saying to a friend. "Why doesn't God just send an earthquake to take care of all those people who hate us?" My friend assures me that none of this happened because God listened to me! That was not my thought, really! I felt almost psychic and this is not the first time. Call it intuition; call it whatever you please. There have been many times in the past when I have thought about something only to have it happen just the way my mind told me it would. Crazy, you say? Maybe...maybe not. Now, I'm not saying the people who died or were hurt were being punished by God. But, think about it...I believe the only person who could change the minds of Muslims who hate us is GOD. God's wrath...or God's will?

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